Oversleeping isn't just an epidemic that affects millions of hungover college students every year, we all want that extra minute or two of sleep. Unfortunately, oversleeping and showing up late to work or class isn't something we can generally afford to do.
If you're struggling to get up in the morning, then maybe you need to go to sleep on time, stay asleep, or add some motivation to get your ass out of bed.
Need Help Falling Asleep?
Did you know that those blue lights on your Nexus are actually messing with your eyes and keeping you up an extra hour or two? Learn how your Nexus can help you fall asleep by replacing those blue lights with a soft, red filter.
Once Asleep, Stay Asleep
Falling asleep can be hard enough, but staying asleep is a battle of its own. If you're incredibly popular or busy, then your device is constantly alerting you throughout the night. Learn how to schedule notifications to toggle off while you sleep.
Use Punishment as Motivation
Assuming you already have a Twitter account, head over to Google Play and install Punisher - tweeting alarm. This app allows you to set an embarrassing tweet for a certain time and location. Fail to arrive at the location before the time you set? Punisher will tweet the embarrassing message on your behalf.
It's a young app, so it is very minimal. You can only have one event at a time, but it's still a great motivational tool that uses fear as a catalyst.

WARNING: "You won't be able to change any settings until you get to your destination and deactivate the punisher. Ride like the wind!"
Sleep Tight
Whether it's sleep prep or the fear of embarrassment, these tools should be exactly what you need to get out of bed on time. Let me know which tool helped you the most in your quest to halt your oversleeping tendencies, and share your wake up tips in the comments below.
For other great apps and mods, checkout the Nexus 7 softModder page.
Grumpy man in bed image via Shutterstock
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